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Open Source Projects

osgTDS - Terrain Deformation Software

The "Terrain Deformation Software" project is an open source effort to provide a means of altering terrain databases to the placements of objects in the scene. The premise is that each object's location and orientation is absolute and the terrain is then altered to fit to the objects, or target database. Previous tools place the object on the terrain, which creates challenges for terrain with varying levels of detail. This approach places priority on the position of the objects (targets).


osgEphemeris,an Ephemeris Model for OpenSceneGraph. osgEphemeris places the Sun, Moon, Stars and Planets in their correct location in the sky given latitude, longitude, date and time.


OglDump is an Open Source (GPL) tool for debugging OpenGL based software. It is useful for gaining insight into functionality of OpenGL applications, or applications written with libraries built on top of OpenGL.


Open Producer

Open Producer is a cross-platform C++/OpenGL library that is focused on Camera control, multiple camera synchronization and management of multiple graphics contexts.

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The Open Scene Graph is a cross-platform C++/OpenGL library for the real-time visualization. Uses range from visual simulation, scientific modeling, virtual reality through to games.  Andes Computer Engineering is a primary supporter and contributor to this open source project.

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